Monday, February 8, 2010

How to calm crying baby to sleep at night?

Do you have the experience that your newborn baby wakes up at midnight, crying out loud and resist sleeping again. This is a very common case of newborn.

Then how to calm the crying baby to sleep again?

To do this, we need to know the reason why baby cries at night. Usually when a baby wakes up at midnight, it is out of hunger, however, for most of the time, he does it out of feeling insecure to his surroundings. It is rather a way to look for familiar people and sounds that he is used to it.

To pacify the baby, the first thing of Don’t is turn on the light. Then keep the voice down, get close to the baby and inquire about how he is feeling, pat his back gently, and let him know that his daddy and mommy are just there for him, then he would feel secure and easily fall asleep again.

Be prepared to serve your baby at night with all the essential items and utensils in your vicinity, smooth the crying baby with warm hug and smooth him to sleep again, so that you don’t have to be tortured until dawn.

Strong lighting, loud voice and big body movement from you will provoke the baby from pre-sleeping status.

Choose a comfortable baby cradle and set it near your bed, so that when the baby hardly wakes up, he would either see you or hear your voice, let him know that you are just near him, that is the most effective way to smooth the baby from overnight crying.

For more tips and information, you are welcome to

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing this.It is sometimes challenging how to calm a crying baby especially for new moms.I think all new moms will get ideas from this blog.
